Souad Amrane, Fazia Bedouhene, Islam Boussaada, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu: On qualitative properties of low-degree quasipolynomials: further remarks on the spectral abscissa and rightmost-roots assignment, 361-381


The present study concerns a frequency domain approach in the stability analysis and stabilization via reduced-order controller design for linear time-invariant retarded Time-delay systems. More precisely, we address the problem of the spectral abscissa characterization and the coexistence of non oscillating modes for such functional differential equations. The design approach we propose is merely a delayed-output-feedback where the candidates' parameters result from the manifold defined by the coexistence of an exact number of negative spectral values, which guarantees the asymptotic stability of the system's solutions. The dominance of such non oscillating modes is analytically shown for the considered reduced order Time-delay systems. Finally, using the W-Lambert function, further description of the spectrum distribution is presented.

Key Words: time-delay systems, stability, spectral abscissa, control design, pole assignment, non oscillation.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 34K06 ; Secondary 35B35, 34C60, 70J25.