Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie

Ahmad Ali Al-Jarrah: Triple Integral involving the -function, p. 111-117
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Ahmad Ali Al-Jarrah: Triple Integral involving the $H$-function, p. 111-117


The aim of the present paper is to establish an interesting finite triple integral involving the $H$-function introduced by Inayat-Hussain , this function containes a certain class of Feynman integrals, the exact partition function of the Gaussian model in statistical mechanics, Fox's $H$-function and several other function as its special cases. On account of the most general nature of the function occurring in this integral, our findings provide interesting unification and extension of a large number of new and known results. A few particular cases have also been recordered here.

Key Words: Gamma-functions, $H$-functions
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 33C60, Secondary: 33B15.