Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie

Nguyen Van Khue, Le Mau Hai, Bui Quoc Hoan: Frechet-valued holomorphic functions on compact subsets in a normal complex space of dimension 2 and linear topological invariant (), p.43-61
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Nguyen Van Khue, Le Mau Hai, Bui Quoc Hoan: Frechet-valued holomorphic functions on compact subsets in a normal complex space of dimension 2 and linear topological invariant $LB_{\infty}$, p. 43-61


The main aim of this paper is to establish the equivalence between the weakly holomorphic extendability and the holomorphic extendability of Frechet-valued functions on compact subsets in a normal complex space of dimension 2 in term of the liniar topological invariant $LB_{\infty}$.

Key Words: Frechet space, holomorphic function, normal complex space
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 46G20, Secondary: 46E50.