be the set of connected graph with degree sequence
. In this paper,
we show that the degree sequences of
are determined by Laplacian
spectrum with some restrictions. By those results we obtain that
sun graph [4],
are determined by their Laplacian
spectra. Furthermore, we prove that any graph
, whose
degree sequence is determined by Laplacian spectrum except that
is a bicyclic graph with
. Moreover, if
is a bicyclic graph with
, then
may be
-cospectral to a graph with degree
. Applying this result
we conclude that some graphs such as
unicyclic graph [27],
friendship graph and
butterfly graph et al. are
determined by their Laplacian spectra. Moreover, we give a
Laplacian spectral characterization of the degree sequence of
-rose graph which supports Liu's conjecture [19].with