- Day 1
- Error detection, correction and decoding: General principles, Hamming distance, distance of a code. (C.Gherghe)
- Linear codes: Hamming weight, Generator matrix and parity-check matrix, encoding and decoding with linear codes, Syndrome decoding. (I.Anghel)
- Day 2
- Bound in coding theory : The main coding theory problem, Lower bounds, Gilbert-Varhamov bound, Hamming bound and perfect codes, Singleton bound, Plotkin bound. (I.Moldovan)
- Hamming codes : Encoding and Decoding (C.Gherghe)
- Day 3
- New codes from old codes: Reed-Muller codes, Encoding and Decoding (A.Dragulin, M.Barascu)
- Cyclic codes Examples,Encoding and Decoding. (G.Popescu)
- Day 4
- Reed-Solomon codes (V.Silviu)
- BCH codes (V.Silviu)
- Day 5
- Interferente Teoria Codurilor - Criptografie. Aplicatii (N.Constantinescu)
- Combining cryptography
with biometrics effectively